Pa Nosotros Por Nosotros

We are a NEW Mexican/Latino Influenced Chicago Brand, we make gear que representa a nuestra gente, gear that represents where our hardworking people live n grew up, often our merchchandise is in spanish, not just a "LOS" prefix, but a Genuine translation, we provide an Original new look and feel to some classics, as well as NEW and Exciting styles never before seen or done as we have designed all of our clothing. we are a father and son/daughter made company with my Wife helping with the pop up shops. we hope you likes

Multimedia collage




jerseys from different neighborhoods in Chicago 

  • Beanies

    yes we did that. Neighborhod Beanies to keep you warm in the Cold season


    our Chicago AIR Chapuleen cap is the coolest, has our new CHI logo and our CITY logo on back, flex fit style s/m, or L/XL instock